Sunday, March 14, 2010

2: Ins & Outs #1

Is it me or is "ins" a weird word. I feel like it should be "in's"?? Whatevaa, I will not questions english & grammar. haha
So here we go INS & OUTS #1!
-super natural makeup
-realizing your flaws & making the best out of them 
-spring nailpolish
-healthy snacks
-MAC's Painterly Paint Pot for a bright eye(sometimes with Blanc Type eyeshadow)
-bagels mmm(:
-warm weather
-Hawaiian Tropic Daily Glow Moisturizer/Self Tanner
-saving $$$$ by using up already purchased makeup. project 10 pan: initiated.
-popular songs from the late 90s and early 2000s
-movie nights with friends
-shenanigans with the friends (I shall film this next time, & post it hahahah)
-2 words: spring. break.  mine starts March 27th!
-1 more word: CHAPSTICK.  always will be an "in". just for the record. 

-heavy makeup
-the dang cold weather/ rain
-being sickly pale
-homework, tests, exams, standardized state tests, school in general. It needs to be summer.
-denying your flaws
-drama & gossip
-being a lazy bum (even though I still do this)
-ORABRUSH jeeezzeeee!!! hahah
-YouTube drama 
Notice my 2 different shaped eyes. Yeah, I've never noticed that before. Kinda odd, but thassss oookk!!!(:


1 comment:

  1. great list :) i'm soo in agreement with like all of it

