Saturday, March 20, 2010

3: Emergency Beauty Kit for On-The-Go!

Hey girls! And guys maybe?? haha I decided this would be a cool blog post to do, so here it is!
Have you ever been at school, or on the go somewhere and your eyeliner gets messed up and your lips get all dry and chapped and your hair goes crazy, and you just don't know what the heck to do?? I'm pretty sure we've all had one of those days. This is a little "kit" I like to bring with me in my car when I go places, just in case. You can also keep it in your purse, if it's big enough!

It's just stuff YOU feel is necessary for YOU! (: So these are just things I like to keep in mine, just as suggestions for you! And I'll try to post some more suggestions of things I don't keep in mine!

First off, I bought a makeup bag from Target for like $2. It was in the makeup section in these little bins of super clearance things.  It's not the most attractive, or not one I would usually pick, but hey, it was $2. Who cares?? :P

*So first, I like to keep CHAPSTICK! That's probably my number one thing that I use out of mine. My favorite as of now is Nivea's Kiss of Moisture chapstick, and Korres Lip Butter in Pomegranate. 
*EYE DROPS- I have contacts, and my eyes are SUPER sensitive, so when I'm around dust or anything of that nature, my eyes get this nasty yellowish color, and it isn't attractive haha. So I like to keep a small bottle of eye drops. Currently I have Clear Eyes Contact Lens Relief eye drops.
*HAND SANITIZER- I am by no means a "germaphobe" but no one like nasty hands. It's also very nifty for if your school bathroom is always out of paper towels (ahhem my school). It's probably more sanitary than most public bathroom sinks anyway! If you go to Bath & Body Works, they have mini bottles of hand sanitizer (I have like 8 haha), with AMAZING scents and theyre only $1.50!
*CONCEALER- I have MAC's Studio Stick in mine. It's just a nice little twist up stick that you just dab on and rub in when you have a blemish to cover! 
*BOBBY PINS & HAIR TIES- who doesn't need these??
*Mints/Gum- I don't think I have to explain these haha
*Q-Tips/Cotton Swabs

Other things I sometimes put in!
*Blotting powder
*Mini mascaras, eyeliners
*Mini hairspray
*Roll on perfumes
*Nail clippers/file
*A snack bar
*Quarters or a few dollar bills

Comment and tell me things you would put in your pouch!!(:

1 comment:

  1. i carry like all the same stuff :)
    but then another load tooo!!!
    if someone wants something odd, they come to me because i carry everything ;)

